An account of the day by organiser Mike Armstrong

Well the day went really well, no rain, a little wind, but even that stopped as most of the cyclists arrived into Sennen for the post cycle challenge BBQ.

29 cyclists took part and it looks as if those taking up the challenge have rasied in excess of £6,000. A truly unexpected and fantastic figure.

The third stage was the hardest of the day from Ladock to Praise en beeble, and everyone said so, but that’s the nature of our county – a little lumpy in places.

Huge pats on backs for all of our members for taking up the challenge, especially our Joseph, who at 14 did us all pround in cycling 92 miles.

However, although praise goes to those who actually took part, it would not have been possible to put on without those who helped to sign the route, man the stops and participate and help set up and clear up at the end and to the doctor who rode shotgun all day in case of any medical issues (thankfully none) – so from me to everyone, thank you very, very much.

After a final count up the Cycle Cornwall 2012 raised raised nearly £13,000 for us after gift aid.

A big thank you to all that helped and a bigger one to those who took part and helped to raise the money.

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