Another huge effort from our members has paid off as CDSSG made £759 profit after expenses at a recent Jumble Sale which was held at Mosley Museum.

It was extremely successful selling over 2,000 items and lots of people visited as it was an English Heritage event hence with people travelling up from Redruth on a vintage bus throughout the day as well as lots of passing trade.

Huge thanks to:

To Mosley museum for for letting us set up the jumble in one of the fields and have car parking as well.

Sara and Stephen for not only approaching the museum but also for their help both days during the event and also in setting up and packing away.

Vicky Bundy and Andrew Thomas and all the jumble brew – Sandra and Paul
Heather, Anne Marie, Frank and Francesca, and Kim and our “volunteer” Heather Anderson who all put in hours of hard work.

Special thanks also go to Paul and Andy for driving the van and making several trips to the container which we are also pleased to say is looking a lot emptier 🙂 phew!

Also thanks to all the other parents that came along to help or to lend a clothing rail or to buy something!! ( Jo Fuller, Bonnie Davies, Angie Emrys-Jones, Sandy Lawrence).

It was a very long weekend and we were all pleasantly exhausted afterwards.

We are going to use the money raised to buy an iPad and apps for parents to see and share useful information at our support groups and some specialist sensory toys and resources for our toy library.

We will also be getting a few clothing rails for future sales and have already purchase a Coleman Shelter and heavy duty gazebo from our previous jumble there on the pirate Funday in August.


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